What a load of **** right? I've watched enough romantic comedies in my life to know that that's the romanticized version of love that has been instilled in our minds for centuries. The ever tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet, the seemingly endless works of Nicholas Sparks, or any of the countless works involving vampires in which the dreamy vampire risks everything they have to be with slightly broken mortals. Due to the fact that almost every character in the above mentioned works have some emotional illness, old skeletons, or have to fulfill a past blood feud that the other character will ultimately blow out of proportion and cause a relationship speed bump that could ultimately lead to multiple deaths. Might I mention at this point that I'm ecstatic that I don't have a "fairy tale, romantic" relationship. In other words, my relationship is wonderful.
Sure we have different lifestyles, hobbies, and interests, but I wouldn't want to date myself (the only issue that I have is that she doesn't read minds). She even lets me go on "dates"...with other guys that is. It only took me two paragraphs to make the transition to the main topic of this post, my English teacher would be proud. Actually, due to my recent discovery that I do not know English grammar or how to spell or how to read at a proficient level, my English teachers would be quite unhappy. If any of you ever come across this, I'm sorry. Anyways, back to the date.

Guys have to be guys, plain and simple. We set off on our trip with cameras, our bags, and candy. The only thing that we neglected to bring on our hike was liquids. We hiked the the northwest of the island by the red tower. It was a wonderfully carved trail leading out towards a great vantage point of the island and a great place to enjoy the sunset. About 5 minutes into the hike, we started to deviate from the trail. I mean come on, were men, we don't need a trail. We started downhill towards the water. Once we hit the bottom, we headed towards the point. It was one of those hikes that every 5 steps produced better and more breathtaking pictures. Not to mention it provided us with multiple obstacles to conquer and prove our physical strength. We made it to the point and watched the sunset on our wonderfully relaxing vacation.

All in all a great "man date", with the exception of being chased by 3 dogs and being extremely dehydrated. Until next time...
Spanish for beginners:
Café con leche--coffee with milk
Coca Cola--Coca Cola
Vino tinto--Red wine
Colacao (co-low-cow)--hot chocolate
Advanced Spanish:
No me des la lata--quit bothering/pestering me
Barkatu (Bar ka too)--Excuse me (command)
British English:
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