I'm a firm believer that people usually do better their second time around, unfortunately I cannot say the same for myself and surfing. In my defense, the two times I went the waves were massive and I have been reassured that I might succeed if I surf smaller waves to start. It also didn't help that the person I went surfing with managed ride the first wave he got with little difficulty, but I'm chalking that one up to luck. Warning, the pictures below are not suitable for those with judgmental eyes or any surfing ability, however, comments to what I'm doing wrong are more than welcome (please be gentle).
Our wonderful photographer for the day, KC. |
Group photo of the participants. |
Me getting a head start to catch the first wave. |
Epic fail on my part, but good work Brent. |
Quick pause for a shoot. |
Notice the smiles on the boogie-boarders faces here. |
And here... |
And here... |
Even a nice thumbs up here. |
Are you sure its safe to go in? |
I even drew a bit of a cheer section to start. |
Yes, my eyes are closed...yours would be too if you saw what I saw - two inches of water and the ground. |
It's not as bad as it looks, is it? |
Enter Brent. |
Some quick surf lessons from the group pro. |
At least I still have one fan. |
Enter lizenespana and give her a camera, its photo shoot time. |
At least I try to look the part. |
Flippers are sexy, or at least it would seem that way. |
Fun's over, back to the water...

OK, maybe its still fun in the water. |
Pure bliss.
Basic Spanish
Gafas - glasses
Advanced Spanish
arroba - @ (old spanish originally used as a measure of weight)
Ez horregotik (Ace-or-e-got-teek) - You're Welcome
British English
Rare - cool, awesome
You guys are totally bad ass. Or, as Google Translate says, "Usted us culo mal."